Intelligent Air Barrier

2019, Intello, Moll, Pro Clima, Proclima, Studio, produkt
Deutschland, Eberbach, Juli 2019. Produktbild von Intello.
2019, Intello, Moll, Pro Clima, Proclima, Studio, produkt
Deutschland, Eberbach, Juli 2019. Produktbild von Intello.
Intello X Plus
Produktbilder,  2021,  Produktbilder,  CONTEGA SOLIDO IQ-D,  Contega Solido IQ,  Eco Coll,  Extoseal Magov,  INTELLO,  INTELLO PLUS,  INTELLO X,  Intello X Plus,  Solitex Weldano,  Tescon Profect,  intello system,  Book,  Text
Intello X Plus.2021, Intello X Plus, Produktbilder.Produkte Neuheiten/neue Farben 2021
  • Excellent UV resistance (60 days exposure)
  • Promotes superior drying capacity with Hydrosafe® technology
  • Intelligent airtightness system (IAS) for warm, dry, healthy buildings
  • Maximises the performance of thermal insulation
  • Highly diffusion-resistant in winter
  • Superior back-diffusion* capacity in summer

INTELLO® X PLUS is a market leading UV stabilised intelligent air barrier for prefabricated panels as well as systems with exterior insulation build ups laid over the INTELLO® X PLUS, providing superior energy and moisture control with a humidity variable function. INTELLO® X PLUS maximises the performance of your thermal insulation, whilst restricting internal moisture entering the building envelope. INTELLO® X PLUS utilises Hydrosafe® technology, providing optimal protection against structural damage and mould, even in the event of unexpected moisture intrusion.

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