

Pro Clima Australia is proud to have a range of products which are free of chemicals harmful to life and we have taken the step toward awareness and gained Declare ecolabels.


Declare is a program and product database to drive transparency in the design and construction sector that is transforming the materials marketplace.
Think of a ‘nutrition label’ for building products allowing you to find healthy products for your project.

Declare identifies:
1. Where a product is manufactured
2. What ingredients are used and
3. What to do with it at the end of its life – reuse, recycle or dispose.



The Declare label also evaluates a product according to its compliance with all Imperatives applicable to the selection of building products within the Living Building Challenge 4.0 standard.

Among many pro clima Products which do not contain harmful chemicals identified on the Red List the following have achieved a Declare label:

Want to know more? Please get in touch.

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