Category: Products

Thermoplastic Elastomer Ether Esters: What are they, how do they work?

Download full article   Exterior membranes for roofs and walls by pro clima incorporate a monolithic Thermoplastic Elastomer Ether Ester (TEEE) film. The TEEE forms a state-of-the-art Weather Resistive Barrier (WRB) and when combined with TESCON EXTORA® forms the SOLITEX® system. The membrane, unlike conventional…

Why Do Adhesives Stick?

Adhesive tapes: how do they work, what should they be able to do, and what can they do? Adhesive tapes are used as bonding aids in a wide range of applications in the creation of airtight building envelopes. Several hundred meters of tape is often…

Hunting for Air Leaks

The Blower Door test is a tried-and-true technique of measuring the air leakage rate of a building with confidence. It is so reliable, repeatable and universally comparable that building codes around the world require them by law. They offer the ability to sum up the…

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