EPD Verification for pro clima Products

pro clima EPDs help to deliver sustainability and transparency

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) describes the environmental impact of construction materials, products, and components based on their environmental profiles, functional properties, and technical specifications. This verified, quantitative information covers the entire life cycle of the product, making EPDs a critical foundation for assessing the sustainability of built structures.

As pioneers in ecological and sustainable construction, we at pro clima have always prioritized transparent product information. EPDs represent a natural progression in our commitment to sustainability. Our EPDs for pro clima system products provide all relevant data needed for constructing sustainable buildings and obtaining their certification. They are an invaluable resource for architects, project planners, installers, investors, facility managers, and auditors.

The primary focus is to offer data that supports the evaluation of ecological building quality. Comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) data is presented in a clear, concise format, making it easy to identify buildings with minimal environmental impact. The construction, service phase (including potential re-purposing), and final dismantling are all considered in the overall life cycle analysis.

Our internationally recognized EPDs are essential for building certification systems such as DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council), BNB (Assessment System for Sustainable Building), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). pro clima EPDs are available for viewing and download here.

Want to know more? Please get in touch.

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